ARM > Efficient C for ARM > Data Drive

by David Thomas on

Data Drive

  • Avoid mixing code and data together.
  • Instead separate out the data and write a simple loop.
  • Doing this generates less code.


The following simple routine maps a name to a number:

int nameToNumber(const char *name)
    if      (strcmp(name, "John")   == 0) return 5;
    else if (strcmp(name, "Paul")   == 0) return 2;
    else if (strcmp(name, "George") == 0) return 9;
    else if (strcmp(name, "Ringo")  == 0) return 3;
    else return -1; /* default case */

Because each case is written out individually, the compiler will emit code for every individual case:

        STMFD    sp!,{r4,lr}
        MOV      r4,r0       ; name
        ADR      r1,|L1.104| ; "John"
        BL       strcmp
        CMP      r0,#0       ; yes?
        MOVEQ    r0,#5       ; retval
        LDMEQFD  sp!,{r4,pc} ; return
        MOV      r0,r4       ; name
        ADR      r1,|L1.112| ; "Paul"
        BL       strcmp
        CMP      r0,#0       ; yes?
        MOVEQ    r0,#2       ; retval
        LDMEQFD  sp!,{r4,pc} ; return
        ; ... more for each case ...

That’s 26 instructions × 4 bytes = 104 bytes.

If we generalise the code, storing the data in a table which maps the input names to output numbers, then we can save a significant amount of code:

#define NELEMS(a) ((int) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])))

int nameToNumber2(const char *name)
    static const struct
        const char name[7]; /* NB. PIC */
        int        value;
    map[] =
        { "John",   5 },
        { "Paul",   2 },
        { "George", 9 },
        { "Ringo",  3 }
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(map); i++)
        if (strcmp(name, map[i].name) == 0)
            return map[i].value;

    return -1; /* default case */

Compiles to:

nameToNumber2   STMFD    sp!,{r4-r6,lr}
                LDR      r6,=mapaddr     ; address of 'map'
                MOV      r5,r0           ; stash copy of name
                MOV      r4,#0           ; i
loop            ADD      r0,r4,r4,LSL #1 
                ADD      r1,r6,r0,LSL #2 ; map + i*12
                MOV      r0,r5           ; = name
                BL       strcmp
                CMP      r0,#0           ; match?
                ADDEQ    r0,r4,r4,LSL #1 ; yes
                ADDEQ    r0,r6,r0,LSL #2 ; map + i*12 again
                LDREQ    r0,[r0,#8]      ; fetch map[i].value
                LDMEQFD  sp!,{r4-r6,pc}  ; return it
                ADD      r4,r4,#1        ; otherwise no match
                CMP      r4,#4           ; loop until out..
                BLT      loop            ; ..of data
                MVN      r0,#0
                LDMFD    sp!,{r4-r6,pc}  ; return -1

Which is 18 instructions × 4 bytes = 72 bytes, saving of 32 bytes.